
STEM Robotics FLL - (Grades 5-6): The FIRST LEGO League is an international competition organized by FIRST for elementary and middle school students. It focuses on a different real-world topic related to the sciences. Each challenge within the competition revolves around that theme. The robotics part of the competition focuses on designing and programming Lego Mind Storms robots to complete tasks. The students work out solutions to various problems they are given and then meet for regional tournaments to share their knowledge, compared ideas and display their robots.

STEM FTC (Grades 7 and 8): The FIRST Tech Challenge is a robotics competition targeted toward middle school and high school aged students It offers the traditional challenge of a FIRST Robotics competition but with a more accessible and affordable robotics kit. The ultimate goal of FTC is to reach more young people with a lower cost, more accessible opportunity to discover the excitement and rewards of science, technology, engineering and math.